Treatment For All Ages

As osteopaths, we love looking after members of the same family throughout the generations. It’s one of the reasons we love our jobs.

We look after patients from a young one’s first days to the elderly. For us, it’s truly special to watch babies grow up and then treat the same person when they start their first job, or to treat grandparents and great grandparents and keep the elderly active for their entire lives.

Many people find it difficult to understand why a baby or child needs manual therapy. But for the hundreds, or even thousands of babies that Not Just Backs has helped over the years, the parents appreciate our care and nurture of their beautiful offspring.

It is so stressful and wearing when a new born baby cries and cries and cannot be put down, or there are problems with breastfeeding. The ability to soothe and relax a new born because the baby has tension in its head, neck, diaphragm or lower back from the position in the womb or from the birth is a wonderful feeling.

We take in-depth case studies so we can really learn about how the mother felt about giving birth, as well as much technical detail we need to know about the pregnancy, labour and birth.

We also treat many of these postnatal mothers as their bodies have been through a lot of physical change which we can help settle in order to regain confidence in their body following the birth of their baby. For some, this may well be several years postnatal as many women can carry around their birth posture and trauma for years.


If you have an unsettled child, why not arrange an appointment? You can book an appointment today by calling us on 01722 512 043 or online by clicking here.


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