Osteopathy and workplace stress

Every week at the Not Just Backs clinic, we get patients complaining of headaches, neck strain, shoulder aches, tennis elbows, mid and lower back pain… but would you believe it if I said the most common root-cause is quite simply work stress?

Annually, 5 million people report suffering from work-related stress, which has physical as well as psychological effects. Combine this with poor work posture and it’s no wonder so many of us suffer pain.

Despite many people choosing to ignore or diminish the seriousness of stress, it is very much a real condition with numerous causes and symptoms.

Consider this scenario: you’re sat at your desk, and you have an important deadline looming at close of business today, which you and your colleagues have been straining towards for an entire week. Long days, short nights, breakfast on the go, packed lunches at your desk, late dinners, loads of coffee to keep you awake, water only when you think of it… sound familiar?

How does your body react to this pressure?

Maybe somewhat like this: your head is peering forward, neck craned and extended, your shoulders thrust up and forwards. Your ribcage is compressed as your back hunches, your lower back and pelvis compressed into the cushion of your chair, and maybe even your legs are crossed to relieve some pressure in the lower back…

Then add a layer of uneven muscle tension: extremely tight in the back of the neck, chest, abdominals and groin area; stretched and weak across the middle and lower back.

Osteopathic treatment is highly effective at addressing the symptoms of body stress at any point in time.

However the real challenge is managing these symptoms long-term, which shapes the way we help and support our patients here at Not Just Backs.

So if you suffer from workplace stress and it is manifesting itself as pain, do not put up with it any longer.

At the clinic a unique combination of osteopathy, cranial, advice on posture, office ergonomics, nutrition, stretching, exercise and sleep not only relieves the symptoms, it aims to eradicate the pain. Give us a call on 01722 512 521 for more.

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